The Libya Exchange

Upcoming virtual event organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and The Exchange Foundation

November 29-December 3, 2017

* Application Deadline I October 15/ Deadline II November 15, 2017

* 30 slots only/Rolling Acceptance

The Libya Exchange is co-hosted by Omeyya Seddik (Al-Muqaddima), Nicholas Noe ( and Monica Marks (Oxford University). As with our other Exchanges over the past decade, the aim of the conference is to provide direct and intensive insight into Libya from several perspectives, especially those of Libyans themselves.

Program Format:

The Libya Exchange will be held over the five days at the conference room of The Africa Hotel in downtown Tunis, from 9am until 6pm, except for the final day (Sunday, December 3) when the Exchange will end at 3pm. In order to promote small group dynamics, the number of participants will be capped at 30. Sessions themselves will be conducted on an individual rather than a panel basis for all speakers and will allow ample opportunity for question time (translation into English will be provided when necessary). All sessions will also be held under strict Chatham House rules, although we customarily work with our speakers to approve any quotes/references that participants may need for their own work.

Engaging Libyan Actors & Regional Specialists:

Participants will have the opportunity to meet, listen and engage social, political and economic actors from across the spectrum in Libya as well as specialists whose work focuses on Libya and its relations with neighbouring countries.

INVITED INDIVIDUALS & INSTITUTIONS (Preliminary & Partial List Only):

NOTE: Accepted participants will receive the full list of confirmed speakers one month prior to the opening of the Exchange, as well as readings pertinent to the sessions.


Hanan Salah, Human Rights Watch

Mohamed Eljarh, Atlantic Center

Wolfram Lacher, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Mary Fitzgerald, Journalist

Mattia Toaldo, European Council on Foreign Relations

Jean-Louis Romanet Perroux, Independent Researcher and Consultant

The Government of National Accord

The House of Representatives

The Former General National Congress

The Presidential Council

The National Oil Company of LibyaRepresentative of the City of BenghaziRepresentative of the City of Sabratha

Representative of the City of Zintan

Representative of the City of Zuwara

Representative of the City of Misrata

Representative of the City of Sabha

Libyan Tribal LeadersThe University of BenghaziThe Former National Transitional Council of Libya

The High Council of StateThe Libyan Investment AuthorityThe Central Bank of Libya

Otman Gajiji, Frm. Chairman, Central Committee of Municipal Elections

Seifeddine Trabelsi, JournalistHassan Morajea, JournalistGeorge Joffe, Cambridge University

Rebecca Murray, Journalist

Lydia Sizer, Menas Associates

Valerie Stocker, Journalist

The United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya

The European Union Delegation to LibyaThe British Embassy, Tripoli

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The African Union Liaison Office in Libya

The Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Participation Fee - $900; Note that participation fee discounts are available for participants who wish to attend multiple Exchanges. For more information, please email Furthermore, all our programs are funded on the basis of fees paid by the participants themselves: There is no government, private or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively neutral platform for dialogue and understanding.

Accommodation - $70 for a single room per night at the five star Africa Hotel under our group booking only (breakfast and all taxes are included). Shared rooms are also available upon request and are priced at $45 per participant (we will arrange for sharing with other participants).

Airfare - $300, approximate from the European Union.


About the Co-Directors:

Omeyya Seddik is the founder of the Tunisian NGO Al-Muqadimma, established in 2011. He specializes in analysis and mediation between potential parties to conflict in Tunisia and Libya, and serves as an advisor to the Geneva-based Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre).

Monica Marks is a Rhodes Scholar and PhD Candidate at Oxford University. Her work, which focuses on politics, institutional reform, and Islamist movements in Tunisia and Turkey, has appeared in peer-reviewed books and journals, news outlets including The Guardian, The New York Times, Foreign Policy, and The Washington Post, and for think tanks including the Carnegie Endowment, the Brookings Institute, and The Century Foundation.

Upcoming Exchanges

The Exchange Foundation is an effort by the non-profit, 501 (C)3 Foundation for Global Political Exchange to promote professional and academic enrichment through a variety of small group, direct engagement conferences in Western Asia and North Africa.

During their stay, typically lasting five days to one week, participants from around the world listen to and question leading intellectuals, activists and politicians representing an array of different points of view in a specific country.

The first Exchange was launched in June 2008 in Beirut, Lebanon. Now, thirteen years on, more than 850 people from 51 different countries have attended 40 different Exchanges in the region.

Crucially, all funding for the Exchange comes from only two sources: The participants themselves who pay the participation fee or scholarship recipients who benefit from individual, charitable contributions designed specifically to broaden the social, political and geographic diversity of each Exchange table. As such, there is no government, commercial or non-profit support, an aspect that we believe provides a relatively neutral platform for dialogue and understanding.

Listen to and question leading intellectuals, activists and politicians from the Arab world

Broad social, political and geographic diversity of speakers

Creating a neutral platform for dialogue and understanding

More than 850 participants, 51 countries, 40 different Exchanges

The best immersion course on a country in transition I’ve seen.

Dr. Alfred Stepan

Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University

Time-tested technique and tactful diplomacy enables The Exchange to achieve an environment conducive to attention, dialogue and reflection.

Dr. Jalel Harchaoui

Research Fellow of the Conflict Research Unit of the Clingendael Institute

There could not exist a more thorough and intensive immersion into Lebanese history and politics than The Exchange.

Nathan Wexler

Phd. candidate at UC Berkley

A well-oiled program that brings you an impressive number and selection of speakers from across the spectrum. Worth every penny!

I learned more in my 10 days at the Beirut Exchange than in any university course! This was a wonderful experience filled with fascinating speakers.

Oliva Holt-Ivry

Nicole Sganga

Senior Programs Advisor on Women, Peace, and Security, U.S. Department of State

CBS News reporter

Illuminating and life changing experience. I will recall the Exchange as one of the most authentic educational experiences of my life.

Sahar Rizvi


Who should register?

NGO Practitioners

& Officers

Foreign Diplomats
& Analysts

& Faculty

Journalists & Media Professionals

Past Exchanges

Intensive & Immersive Courses on Western Asia & North Africa

Unique access to information, perspectives, updates and analysis.

Access to information

Gain direct insight and rare first-hand knowledge about the country from a wide range of perspectives.

First-hand knowledge

Engage with speakers during the sessions and connect with them after the Exchange.

Connect with speakers

Participants will have the opportunity to meet, listen and engage leading social, political and economic actors from across the spectrum in Western Asia and North Africa

Dialogue with Leaders

  • June 9-16, 2024
  • Application Deadline I: April 15, 2024
  • Rolling acceptance

Co-founder, Nicholas Noe: +961.81.797.943 (Beirut/WhatsApp)

© 2023, All rights reserved to The Foundation for Global Political Exchange non-profit 501(c)3

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